what it is, and how it helps.
...Within the walls of our treatment rooms (and our virtual treatment rooms), we create a strong and unwavering bond with you.
We know that this bond is the foundation for the profound changes in store for you outside these walls.
For many, this is a feeling of trust and safety they have never experienced before. The power of being attentively listened to, seen for who you actually are, and genuinely understood by another human being, is what gives all of us the ability explore what we think about, how we behave, and how we relate to others and our environment.
Therapy makes you conscious of the drives and defenses that influence your role in the world. It strengthens your psyche and depth of connections with self and others, by increasing your levels insight and awareness. It shines light on your deepest yearnings, and what they can teach you. It reveals the mental cobwebs in your psyche...the injuries of the past that block you from accessing your true wants and wishes...and therapy clears those cobwebs away.
Effective therapy enables you to reach your mental potential, enhance the quality of your relationships, quiet your distressing thoughts and symptoms, gain confidence and self esteem, deconstruct and uninstall deeply held belief systems that no longer serve you, break destructive cycles, and obtain a far more enjoyable and rewarding quality of life.
Evo-Life therapy sessions leave you feeling empowered and motivated, with a solid plan in place for what comes next.
Individual therapy
"Now you know. And knowing is half the battle." -GI Joe
To be a better version of your former self- first, you must experience emotional safety. Next, within that safety, you must learn to feel and to know...to experience all of the beauty and all of the pain. And finally, in order to live well and live fully, you must learn to leverage what you now feel and know.
The pathways to healing through individual treatment are diverse and plentiful. Evo-Life promotes a person-centered approach to psychological wellness. You and your therapist are on a quest to find your unique path.
Couples Therapy
"It's you and me vs. the problem, not you vs. me." - Steve Maraboli
The painful reality is that upwards of 50% of all marriages end in divorce. With relationship challenges that are increasingly complicated in this modern day world we are living, more than ever, couples benefit from support and guidance to optimize their relationship experience.
Whatever your goal for couples therapy is, having a neutral third party who is extensively trained in couples dynamics and relational/attachment theories and models of care will undoubtedly help you feel more confident, healthy, and grounded within your relationship.
A couples therapist assists both of you by creating a safe, fair, civil, and balanced environment to allow you to move through the work and do really hard things. We at Evo-Life are have bore witness to stories of stunning relationship recovery and awe-inspiring comebacks, even when the couples themselves had very little confidence in the viability of their relationship. We have also supported couples through the painful decision to part ways with dignity, mutual respect, and civility.
Relationship crises aside, Evo-Life treatment culture strongly encourages "Couples Well-Care"; that is preventative couples work geared at maximizing the depth of connection and quality of life as a couple, and building agility and resilience for the times when life inevitably gets hard.
Prevention is the best medicine. Couples who pro-actively commit to acquiring a deeper understanding themselves and one another not only will find themselves in the cohort of the 50% of marriages that make it, they will yield a far richer, more dynamic, and enviable relationship.
Family Interventions
“Other things may change us, but we start and end with the family.” – Anthony Brandt
Evo-Life offers targeted solution focused interventions to assist families working through a life crisis. When it comes to matters such as divorce and/or blended family dynamics, addiction, grief and loss themes, and major life changes/disrupted family dynamics, having someone assist in navigating these complex situation can be a game changer. Evo-Life family interventions apply a systemic lens in examining family conflicts, and create an environment where everyone feels that they have an ally and their voice is represented. A family intervention works to level up the playing field, and will identify and deconstruct unconscious and/or entrenched problematic dynamics that keep families stuck and unhappy. Loving your family is not enough if you are so "in it" that you guys can't see the forest for the trees. Life is short and precious. Let us help shine the light where it needs to in order to pave the way for many happier years to come.
Counseling, Coaching, Consulting
and Curated Wellness Services
Ballston Lake, New York
Contact our Director of Client Services Michelle Clark
for more information or
to discuss an intake
(518) 503-4613 OR